
Advances in Fundamental Physics

Edited by
November 2022
372 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-5745-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-5746-5 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Fundamental Physics that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Physical Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

This Special Issue celebrates the opening of a new section of the journal Foundation: Physical Sciences. Theoretical and experimental studies related to various areas of fundamental physics are presented in this Special Issue. The published papers are related to the following topics: dark matter, electron impact excitation, second flavor of hydrogen atoms, quantum antenna, molecular hydrogen, molecular hydrogen ion, wave pulses, Brans-Dicke theory, hydrogen Rydberg atom, high-frequency laser field, relativistic mean field formalism, nonlocal continuum field theories, parallel universe, charge exchange, van der Waals broadening, greenhouse effect, strange and unipolar electromagnetic pulses, quasicrystals, Wilhelm-Weber’s electromagnetic force law, axions, photoluminescence, neutron stars, gravitational waves, diatomic molecular spectroscopy, information geometric measures of complexity. Among 21 papers published in this Special Issue, there are 5 reviews and 16 original research papers.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
information geometry; complexity; classical and quantum physics; self-simulation hypothesis; principle of efficient language; quasicrystals; empires; game of life; emergence; state sum models; space–time couplings; spatiotemporal; ultrafast optics; unipolar pulses; few cycle pulses; line-by-line; greenhouse effect; radiative fluxes; thermal emission; spectroscopy; stark broadening; atomic physics; foundations of quantum mechanics; molecular spectroscopy; diatomic molecules; symmetry transformations; optical emission spectroscopy; astrophysics; neutron stars; nuclear equation of state; gravitational waves; speed of sound; tidal polarizability; charge exchange; second flavor of hydrogen atoms; dark matter; stark effect; parallel universes; multiverse; preferred direction in the universe; bulk flow; four spatial dimensions; nonlocal metamaterials; multiscale structures; fiber bundles; superspace; mathematical methods; mathematical physics; nonlocal continuum field theory; semiconductor materials; preformed cluster decay; relativistic mean-field; alpha-particle clustering; neck-length; hydrogenic atoms; high-frequency laser field; relativistic precession; laser-controlled precession; cosmological constant; generalised Brans-Dicke theory; Big Rip; photoluminescence; dispersive media; axion; space-time couplings; spatiotemporal; ultrafast optics; bipolar pulses; few-cycle pulses; free-space wave equation; space-time wave packets; nondiffracting localized waves; second flavor of hydrogen atoms; molecular hydrogen ion; proton collisions; molecular spectral bands; quantum antennas; quantum field theory; relativistic quantum mechanics; quantum radiation; propagator; Green’s function; quantum engineering; quantum technologies; radiation pattern; electron impact excitation of hydrogen atoms; discrepancy between theories and experiments; second flavor of hydrogen atoms; electron impact excitation of hydrogen molecules; discrepancy between theories and experiments; second flavor of hydrogen atoms; quantum mechanics; particle–wave duality; quantum jump; quantum entanglement; Weber’s electrodynamics; Weber force; field theory; electromagnetism; electrodynamics; physics of elementary particles and fields; magnetic field; electric field; electrical engineering; fundamental physics