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The Colonial Project of Gender (and Everything Else)
by Sandy O’Sullivan
What’s Your Street Race? The Urgency of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality as Lenses for Revising the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Guidelines, Census and Administrative Data in Latinx Communities and Beyond
by Nancy López and Howard Hogan
A Māori and Pasifika Label—An Old History, New Context
by Dion Enari and Innez Haua
Genealogy: The Tree Where History Meets Genetics
by Cláudia Gomes, Sara Palomo-Díez, Ana María López-Parra and Eduardo Arroyo-Pardo
The Effects of DNA Test Results on Biological and Family Identities
by Catherine Agnes Theunissen
Feeling Seen: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ+ Peoples, (In)Visibility, and Social-Media Assemblages
by Andrew Farrell
‘I’m Not Swedish Swedish’: Self-Appraised National and Ethnic Identification among Migrant-Descendants in Sweden
by Caroline Adolfsson
“You’re the One That Was on Uncle’s Wall!”: Identity, Whanaungatanga and Connection for Takatāpui (LGBTQ+ Māori)
by Logan Hamley, Shiloh Groot, Jade Le Grice, Ashlea Gillon, Lara Greaves, Madhavi Manchi and Terryann Clark
What Motivates Family Historians? A Pilot Scale to Measure Psychosocial Drivers of Research into Personal Ancestry
by Susan M. Moore and Doreen A. Rosenthal
In Conversation with the Ancestors: Indigenizing Archaeological Narratives at Acadia National Park, Maine
by Bonnie Newsom, Natalie Dana Lolar and Isaac St. John
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The Colonial Project of Gender (and Everything Else)
by Sandy O’Sullivan
Indigenous Identity as Country: The “Ing” within Connecting, Caring, and Belonging
by Jo Anne Rey
Feeling Seen: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ+ Peoples, (In)Visibility, and Social-Media Assemblages
by Andrew Farrell
A Māori and Pasifika Label—An Old History, New Context
by Dion Enari and Innez Haua
Pussy Power: A Contemporaneous View of Indigenous Women and Their Role in Sex Work
by Corrinne T. Sullivan
“You’re the One That Was on Uncle’s Wall!”: Identity, Whanaungatanga and Connection for Takatāpui (LGBTQ+ Māori)
by Logan Hamley, Shiloh Groot, Jade Le Grice, Ashlea Gillon, Lara Greaves, Madhavi Manchi and Terryann Clark
Criminalising Black Trauma: Grime and Drill Lyrics as a Form of Ethnographic Data to Understand “Gangs” and Serious Youth Violence
by Beth Hall, Roxanne Khan and Mike Eslea
What’s Your Street Race? The Urgency of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality as Lenses for Revising the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Guidelines, Census and Administrative Data in Latinx Communities and Beyond
by Nancy López and Howard Hogan
Us Mob Online: The Perils of Identifying as Indigenous on Social Media
by Bronwyn Carlson and Tristan Kennedy
Cultivating Positive Health, Learning, and Community: The Return of Mesoamerica’s Quetzalcoatl and the Venus Star
by Santiago Andrés Garcia and Claudia Itzel Márquez
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