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Artificial Intelligence in News Media: Current Perceptions and Future Outlook
by Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos and Wilson Ceron
Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications and Future Perspectives
by Efthimis Kotenidis and Andreas Veglis
News Values on Instagram: A Comparative Study of International News
by Ahmed Al-Rawi, Alaa Al-Musalli and Abdelrahman Fakida
Journalism Innovation Labs 2.0 in Media Organisations: A Motor for Transformation and Constant Learning
by Isabell Hogh-Janovsky and Klaus Meier
Kindness and Control: The Political Leadership of Jacinda Ardern in the Aotearoa New Zealand COVID-19 Media Conferences
by Geoffrey Craig
Exo Journalism: A Conceptual Approach to a Hybrid Formula between Journalism and Artificial Intelligence
by Santiago Tejedor and Pere Vila
Collaborative Journalism from a Latin American Perspective: An Empirical Analysis
by Lucia Mesquita and Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos
Immersive Journalism: Advantages, Disadvantages and Challenges from the Perspective of Experts
by Susana Herrera Damas and María José Benítez de Gracia
Media Studies, Audiovisual Media Communications, and Generations: The Case of Budding Journalists in Radio Courses in Greece
by Constantinos Nicolaou, Maria Matsiola, Christina Karypidou, Anna Podara, Rigas Kotsakis and George Kalliris
Audience Views on Professional Norms of Journalism. A Media Repertoire Approach
by Pauljan Truyens and Ike Picone
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