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Journal Browser


12 February 2021
Introducing Topics: MDPI Multidisciplinary Article Collections

MDPI has been a pioneer in Open Access Publishing since 1996. Special Issues, a prominent feature of our journals, have demonstrated great success in highlighting prominent and highly specialized research subjects. As part of our efforts to promote and disseminate new scientific research, as well as to develop a network of scholars working on similar projects from different perspectives, we wish to build on the success of Special Issues with a new concept.

We are pleased to announce Topics—interdisciplinary collections of articles that provide a broad view of the latest developments in a certain area. Topics allow authors from different backgrounds to unite around one theme, describe multidisciplinary applications, develop new ideas, and, most importantly, make all of this accessible to an international audience.

Whilst Special Issues are hosted only in one journal, Topics can be hosted across different ones. Guest Editors will have the ability to identify multiple MDPI journals for their Topics, meaning that authors should still submit their manuscripts to the journal most suitable for their research.

Scientific progress in cutting-edge research is also reflected in collaboration. Whether you are a Guest Editor or an author, thanks to Topics, you will be able to:

  1. Increase the visibility and impact of your research;
  2. Collaborate with other academics worldwide stimulating discussion;
  3. Participate in cross-curricular projects;
  4. Expand your research network.

You can find more information about Topics here and suggest a new Topic here. We look forward to receiving your proposals!

For any questions about Topics or Topic proposals, please contact the Editorial Offices of your journals of choice.

Together we can help advance science!

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