Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all ncRNA reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Department of Experimental Surgery-Cancer Metastasis, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
Interests: cancer; metastasis; EMT; translational research; miRNAs; lncRNAs; biomarkers; hematologic malignancies

Bioinformatics Unit, Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina López-Neyra, IPBLN-CSIC, Armilla, Spain
Interests: miRNAs; lncRNAs; circRNAs; ncRNAs; gene regulation by ncRNAs; bioinformatics data integration; databases
Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Interests: gene expression; ncRNAs; miRNAs; translation; transcriptomics
Biosciences Laboratory, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) IRCCS, Meldola, Italy
Interests: cancer; ncRNAs; microRNAs; breast cancer; extracellular vesicles; tumor microenvironment; liquid biopsy

Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Zentrum für Infektionsmedizin, Institut für Parasitologie, Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover, Germany
Interests: RNA interference; antiviral immunity in insects and ticks; vector competence; arboviruses; virus evolution

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO 63132, USA
Interests: non-coding RNAs; transcriptional networks; Inflorescence development; abiotic stresses
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Center for Molecular Biomedicine (CMB), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 07743 Jena, Germany
Interests: epigenetics; long-noncoding RNA; transcription; nucleolus; aging; stem cells
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)/US Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD, USA
Interests: lncRNA; miRNA; tRNA; lincRNA; diagnostics; HIV; pathogenesis
Laboratory of RNA Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Interests: rna; ncRNA; miRNA; phage display; selex; small molecule screen; tissue culture; cancer; biophysics; aptamer; riboswitch; cyclic di nucleotide; immunity; biosensor; aminoglycosides; in vitro screening
Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
Interests: gene expression; transcription; epigenetics; RNA polymerase II; gene regulation (activation/repression); protein function

Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), BioCruces Health Research Institute, 48940 Leioa, Spain
Interests: long-noncoding RNAs; noncoding RNAs; inflammation; autoimmunity; SNPs; RNA methylation

Pediatrics-Oncology Texas Children's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Interests: microRNA; long non-coding RNA; circular RNA; ceRNA; systems biology; pan-cancer analysis; TCGA; target; computational genomics; bioinformatics

1. Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC-CNS), 08034 Barcelona, Spain
2. Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Interests: lncRNA; miRNAs; evolution; non-coding RNAs; bioinformatics; computational biology; transcriptomics; plants

Humanitas Clinical and Research Center—IRCCS, Via Manzoni 56, 20089 Rozzano, MI, Italy
Interests: non-coding RNA; microRNA; vascular diseases; atherosclerosis; smooth muscle cells; endothelial cells; vascular remodeling; angiogenesis

Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy
Interests: plants; non coding RNA; transcriptomics; genome editing; abiotic stress; genetic transformation; functional genomics
Department of Experimental Biology, Universidad de Jaen, Jaen, Spain
Interests: cardiac arrhythmias; non-coding RNAs; cardiac development; brugada syndrome; atrial fibrillation; cardiac ion channels; gene regulation; epigenetics; congenital heart diseases

School of Life Sciences, Medical School Building, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
Interests: neurobiology; axon; sncRNAs; miRNAs; neurodegeneration; development; nociception; cortical neurons
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY 10065, USA
Interests: ncRNA (miRNA, lncRNA); vascular disease; gene regulation; RNA therapeutics; blood brain barrier (BBB); neurodegeneration; biomarker; machine learning (or, deep learning); genetic disorders

Laboratory of microRNAs, DNA Methylation and Epigenetics, Division of Biology and Genetics, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, University of Brescia, Viale Europa n.11, Brescia-I, Italy
Interests: non coding RNAs; microRNAs; cancer; HCC; parkinson's disease; DNA methylation
State Research Center of Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, ul Pushkovykh 12, 108840 Troitsk, Moscow, Russia
Interests: complex systems; neural networks; quantum computing; quantum associative memory; nucleoide sequence analysis; viroids; taxonomy

Department of Molecular Biomedicine, Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 61-704 Poznan, Poland
Interests: miRNAs; siRNAs; RNA interference; triplet repeat expansions; Huntington's disease; argonaute proteins; RNA-binding proteins; RNA structure
Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 N. Wolfe St. 521A Physiology Bldg, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Interests: RNA-binding proteins; miRNAs; siRNAs; Dicer; Drosophila; Oocytes; RNAi; RNA silencing

IRCCS Fondazione Istituto Neurologico Nazionale C. Mondino | Mondino · Lab. Experimental Neurobiology, 27100 Pavia, PV, Italy
Interests: lncRNAs; RNA metabolism; epigenetic; biomarkers; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Alzheimers' disease

Gene Expression and Regulation, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Edifício C8, Gabinete 8.3.11, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Interests: small non-coding RNAs; microRNA biogenesis, mechanisms and function; RNA-dependent regulatory networks; transcriptomics; RNA bioinformatics; host-pathogen interactions; viral RNAs; disease mechanisms
Division of Hematology and Oncology, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA 17033, USA
Interests: genomics; lncRNA; leukemia; lymphoma; drug discovery; lipids; cell biology; biochemistry; ethnopharmacology; toxicology

Institute of Biology and Molecular Genetics (IBGM), University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Interests: cancer; cell therapy; microRNAs; genetics; CRISPR activation; car T cells; mesenchymal stem cells
Department of Genetic, Federal University of Paraná, Paraná, Brazil
Interests: lncRNAs; breast cancer; endogenous competition; gene regulation; RNA binding proteins

Biogem Institute for Genetic Research Gaetano Salvatore, Ariano Irpino, 83031 Avellino, Italy
Interests: molecular oncology; immunotherapy; cancer stem cells; pancreatic cancer; lung cancer; prostate cancer; microRNAs; organoids; signaling transduction; Aspergillus fumigatus
Laboratory of Gastrointestinal Cancer Biology and Genomics, Division of Molecular Pathology, The Institute of Cancer Research, London SM2 5NG, UK
Interests: long non-coding RNAs; micro-RNAs; circular RNAs; cancer biology; gene regulation; exosomes; liquid biopsy; biomarker

National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), 6701 Democracy Blvd., Room 931, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
Interests: miRNA; exRNA; exosome; extracellular vesicle; COVID-19; cancer; ncRNA
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