
23 November 2021
Econometrics | 6th International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics” (FMND), 2–3 June 2022, Paris, France

The 6th edition of the International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics” (FMND) will take place in Paris from 2 to 3 June, 2022. Econometrics (ISSN: 2225-1146), as a sponsor of this notable event, is pleased to invite you to participate and contribute. A selection of papers presented at this workshop will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of Econometrics.

The workshop allows both scholars and finance professionals alike to exchange and confront innovative and thought-provoking ideas about financial market dynamics and nonlinear econometrics. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2022.

For more details, please visit the following website:

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