
1 July 2021
Horticulturae | New Section “Insect Pest Management” Established

We are pleased to announce the new Section “Insect Pest Management” ( in the journal Horticulturae. Dr. Umberto Bernardo is serving as the Section Editor-in-Chief.

The Insect Pest Management (IPM) Section publishes original manuscripts on the biology, ethology, characterization, and control of insects that damage horticultural crops, including vegetables, fruit trees, vines, berries, ornamental shrubs and trees, flowers, and aromatic and medicinal plants. The IPM Section welcomes submissions describing fundamental and applied research on all insect types and in all domains of insect pest management (e.g., morphological and molecular characterization, biology, ecology, plant–insect interactions, host resistance, damage, spread, and insect management).

In particular, IPM welcomes contributions by early-career researchers and proposals for review topics. In addition, we invite senior scientists to initiate and serve as Guest Editors of new Special Issues on timely topics.

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