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Journal: Pharmaceutics, 2021
Volume: 13
Number: 350

Article: Taro Lectin Can Act as a Cytokine-Mimetic Compound, Stimulating Myeloid and T Lymphocyte Lineages and Protecting Progenitors in Murine Bone Marrow
Authors: by Erika Bertozzi de Aquino Mattos, Patricia Ribeiro Pereira, Lyris Anunciata Demétrio Mérida, Anna Carolina Nitzsche Teixeira Fernandes Corrêa, Maria Paula Vigna Freire, Vania Margaret Flosi Paschoalin, Gerlinde Agate Platais Brasil Teixeira, Maria de Fátima Brandão Pinho and Maurício Afonso Verícimo

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