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Journal: Polymers, 2022
Volume: 14
Number: 4157

Article: Virucidal PVP-Copper Salt Composites against Coronavirus Produced by Electrospinning and Electrospraying
Authors: by João de Deus Pereira de Moraes Segundo, Jamilly Salustiano Ferreira Constantino, Guilherme Bedeschi Calais, Celso Fidelis de Moura Junior, Maria Oneide Silva de Moraes, Jéssica Heline Lopes da Fonseca, Junko Tsukamoto, Rodolpho Ramilton de Castro Monteiro, Fábia Karine Andrade, Marcos Akira d’Ávila, Clarice Weis Arns, Marisa Masumi Beppu and Rodrigo Silveira Vieira

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