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Journal: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021
Volume: 18
Number: 368

Article: Access to Health Services and Assistance Offered to the Afro-Descendant Communities in Northern Brazil: A Qualitative Study
Authors: by Marcela de Oliveira Feitosa, Maria Elidiana Araújo Gomes, Iolanda Graepp Fontoura, Catilena Silva Pereira, Ana Maria da Costa Teixeira Carneiro, Maikon Chaves de Oliveira, Janayna Araújo Viana, Volmar Morais Fontoura, Késia Chaves da Silva, Renata de Sá Ribeiro, Paula Cristina de Sousa Vieira, Sarah Gisele de Vasconcelos Leite, Lígia Parente de Alencar Leal, Ankilma do Nascimento Andrade Feitosa and Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca

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