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Multi-Criteria Studies and Assessment Supporting the Selection of Locations and Technologies Used in CO2-EGS Systems

Department of Fossil Fuels, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Fuel and Energy, AGH University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wybickiego 7A Str., 31-261 Kraków, Poland
Department of Gas Technology, SINTEF Energy Research, Sem Sælands vei 11, NO-7034 Trondheim, Norway
Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, S. P. Andersens vei 15A, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 8 October 2021 / Revised: 3 November 2021 / Accepted: 11 November 2021 / Published: 17 November 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Geothermal Systems)


The paper describes application of the cross-impact method in the process of selecting locations and technologies used in a geothermal system based on energy accumulated in a dry rock formation, where CO2 is used as the working medium. The survey is based on the opinion of a group of 20 experts representing different fields of earth and technical sciences. They represent Norway and Poland, where the location of such a system is considered. Based on experts’ experience and opinions, all factors that seem to be significant were classified into the following groups: targets, key factors, results, determiners, motor and brakes, regulating factors, external factors, auxiliary factors, and autonomous factors. Direct influences between variables were indicated. Due to major differences in geological conditions in Poland and Norway, the factor of on- or offshore technology was pointed out as the primary determiner. Among key factors, the system operation’s long-term safety and level of technological readiness were indicated. As a target factor, an interest of local authority was pointed out. Among the variables that are important when selecting locations for this type of system, nine are essential: (1) Formal constraints related to local nature protection areas—this variable is essential in the case of an onshore system; (2) Availability of CO2 sources; (3) Level of geological recognition; (4) The distance of the CO2-EGS from a thermal energy user and electricity grid; (5) Existing wells and other infrastructure; (6) Depth of the EGS system; (7) Water depth if offshore, this variable is only important when offshore systems are involved; (8) Physical parameters of reservoir rocks; (9) Reservoir temperature.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

Geothermal energy is being utilised worldwide using different technological solutions, depending on resource temperature and the accessibility of a medium from which it is possible to obtain energy. Among all clean renewables, geothermal stands out due to its stability and the accessibility of energy independent of weather conditions. Stable access to an energy source is guaranteed when the size of a geothermal reservoir, by which is meant its volume, is significant. The standard method of obtaining geothermal energy is linked to the combination of potentially high temperatures and the availability of a fluid, which is usually water or brine. This fluid is a carrier that enables the acquisition and extraction of the geothermal energy which is brought to the earth’s surface. Frequent consideration is given to a method of obtaining geothermal energy independent of access to a fluid, allowing geothermal energy to be extracted using a heat carrier injected from the surface, which receives heat from geological formations and carries it to the surface. This technology used to be called Hot Dry Rock (HDR) but nowadays the name Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) is commonly used [1], for rocks that are not completely dry, but the amount of water contained in them does not allow to sustain stable energy production. The operating principles of both of these systems are similar, which is the idea of extracting energy contained in a dry or closed reservoir by creating an artificial reservoir with enhanced permeability through which a working fluid can flow. Sometimes, some fluid already exists inside fractures or pores, but often the rock matrix is dry and has to be artificially fractured to create a permeable zone. The first case refers to EGS, while the second to HDR. Such systems are already operating in the world, and the first long-term effects of their exploitation show potential for further development of these technologies [2]. There are several model studies and plans for introducing these technologies in real conditions and theoretical work related to the possibility of using this technology has also been carried out in Poland [3,4,5,6,7]. Water is almost always used as a heat transfer medium in such installations. However, more fluids could be as effective or even surpass water, e.g., considered here CO2. It could turn out that for energy extraction its physical properties are even better than those of water. For example, CO2 is generally less viscous, which could result in smaller flow resistance between wells forming the geothermal doublet. Therefore, a system utilising supercritical CO2 as the working fluid, including partial CO2 sequestration is considered in this article. Preliminary research on the use of CO2 as a heat transfer fluid in enhanced geothermal systems are numerous—some of them are following [8,9,10,11,12]. Tarkowski et al. [13] also analysed the legal conditions for injection of CO2 and geothermal energy recovery. From the literature study, the projected effects of the system’s operation seem to be promising. Additionally, it can be expected that partial sequestration of CO2, which improves the ecological effect of the system, will contribute to gradual decarbonisation. In the work of Cui et al. [14] interesting results are described. The work is based on numerical simulations where it was indicated that due to higher mobility of CO2 compared to water at a low permeable reservoir, CO2 might be a more suitable working fluid than water, as CO2 allows reaching higher net power of a geothermal system. In turn, according to Avanthi Isaka et al. [15], supercritical CO2 has favourable characteristics in terms of reservoir stimulation due to the creation of complex fracture networks.
The total cost of energy obtained based on a high-temperature depleted gas reservoir by recycling CO2 is estimated by Cui et al. in [16]. Depending on a surface installation scheme, the cost is estimated at 0.1 USD/kWh when a turbine is driven directly by CO2 and 0.45 USD/kWh when the Organic Rankine Cycle is used. Direct use of CO2 as working fluid allows reaching much higher power. The idea of the study described in [16] is a bit like the suggested case, but not the same. The concept of a reservoir is different, but the technology of energy production is similar.
The technical risk assessment associated with its implementation is extremely important at the stage of technological development. It is essential to locate the first pilot installations in optimal zones, encouraging future researchers and investors to develop the technology. The problem of identifying factors important for the support and further development of the technology being investigated is discussed in this article. The overriding goal was to identify factors relevant to the selection of the location of the CO2-EGS system and to identify the interconnections between them. The study was carried out using the cross-impact method based on the opinion of a group of 20 experts representing a multidisciplinary team.
This work is the first part of the EnerGizerS project carried out by the Polish-Norwegian scientific team. The main goal of the project is to analyse the efficiency of EGS using CO2 as a working fluid. The proposed solution is intended to take action to protect the climate by producing clean and ecological geothermal energy while simultaneously reducing carbon dioxide emissions coming from the combustion of fossil fuels.

2. Method Description

Structural analysis is a method that helps to structure ideas on this subject. It provides the possibility of describing a system by a matrix connecting relations between chosen components. By studying these relations, the method provides the opportunity to reveal the variables essential to the system’s evolution. It is possible to use the technique alone (as a help for reflection and/or decision making) or as a more complex activity (scenarios). The decisional structural analysis used as a tool of representation of players’ games is very well presented in the book of Tenière-Buchot [17]. Godet [18] created the MICMAC Forecasting method and software suitable for analysing it. Based on the qualitative independent judgment of a group of experts, the method allows one to define the influences of the appointed variables and their dependence on the other variables. The group of experts should be as multidisciplinary as possible, however, its competencies should coincide widely with the topic of a study. The final results place all appointed by the group of experts and assumed to be crucial parameters in the space of influence-dependence (Figure 1). The horizontal axis is the axis of dependencies and the vertical axis is the axis of influences. The most important is the possibility of defining those variables that strongly influence others or depend strongly on others. If the influence value is high, it means that by changing those variables, we can improve or worsen key factors. Especially important is a strong influence on the variables strongly dependent on others. Otherwise, it can be said that factors characterised by the low influence and low dependence are not important, but the possibilities of indicating them might be crucial due to further activities. The groups of factors set on the surface of influence-dependence (Figure 1) possess their typical features:
  • Key factors—indicating which actions should be given priority in the development of strategic plans,
  • Targets—the evolution of these factors will depend on how other system variables evolve. They involve variables that change themselves to a large extent under the influence of factors other than those that affect them directly,
  • Results—the evolution of these factors will depend on how other system variables evolve. They have a low impact on the structure of the research area but are very dependent on other factors,
  • Determiners, motors and brakes—have a powerful impact on the system so that they can act as drivers and inhibitors, but they are tough to control. Knowledge of these is essential in the process of observing long-term trends in the study of the future,
  • Regulating factors—can help achieve the strategic objectives. Do not have any strong dependencies on other factors. Their effect on the whole system is not decisive,
  • External factors—significantly influence the process being considered but cannot be controlled,
  • Auxiliary factors—can help to achieve the strategic objectives, but their effect on the whole system is not decisive,
  • Autonomous factors—have a negligible impact on the changes taking place in the system as a whole.
One of the widely available free software which is helpful during data processing is MICMAC, a computer program that was used to prepare this paper. The latest available version of the MICMAC is version 6.1.2, 2003/2004, open-source software license [19]. The software was developed and is delivered by LIPSOR—the Laboratory for Investigation in Prospective Strategy and Organisation. The name of the method, MICMAC, refers to the French acronym for Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification. The software was used to analyse data related to various fields, from architecture [20] to the issues associated with forecasting technological development and forecasting in general [18,21].

3. Survey Description

The survey was carried out in 9 steps described briefly in Figure 2. It started with problem definition and a description of the goals of the survey. The primary target is to point out the most important variables of the CO2-EGS system and find a relationship between them. Special emphasis is put on variables that are important for system location. The survey was held based on the experience of a group of experts. A group of 20 experts was chosen. The experts were drawn from the two nations that were subjects of the survey, that is Poland and Norway, the group containing 12 Polish experts and 8 Norwegian experts. The fields of experience of the experts were different, and each expert was able to indicate more than one field of experience. In the end the group of experts contained 7 experts on geology, 4 experts in the field of reservoir engineering, 12 experts on environmental impact assessment, one expert on the legal aspects related to mining matters and requirements, 5 experts on economic matters, and 2 experts on risk assessment. At the preliminary survey stage, the role of each expert was to rethink the problem and goals described and indicate at least 10 variables that influenced them. Depending on the stage of the surveys, 193 important variables were defined and some of the repetitions were removed. The list of variables was analysed to remove logical repetitions, combine independent variables by creating new ones, and remove variables obviously falling out of the scope of the survey. The target in that case was to reduce the number of assumed variables keeping sense of the main ideas. After that stage of the survey, all the experts could express their opinion on whether they approved of the new reduced list of variables or not. They could also add new variables if it was felt necessary. Based on the opinion of the Norwegian experts, the list of variables was extended by 2 variables related to offshore technology, very important in the case of Norway but almost unimportant in Poland. Finally, the list of variables that seem to be important included 48 variables. The variables were combined in the range of interdisciplinary thematic groups: geological (containing 13 variables), legal and policy (5 variables), economy (9 variables), technical (11 variables), transportation and logistics (3 variables), environment (4 variables), and social (3 variables). The list of variables indicated and finally selected by the experts is attached in Table 1. Appendix A extends the description of variables and provide additional explanations. Based on the list of variables indicated and considered as important, a matrix of influences (MOI) was constructed (Figure 3). MOI contains the list of variables in the first column and the list of the same variables in the first row. The task of each expert was to estimate how each variable in the row influences variables in columns. An expert judged the influence of one variable on another by choosing a weight of influence in the range of 0–3, where values 0 means no influence, 1—weak influence, 2—moderate influence, and 3—strong influence. The method used in the MICMAC software allows one to set a value of influence as potential influence “P”. In the work presented, it was assumed that experts would only use quantitative values of influences, excluding “P”. It is worth emphasising that the adopted method of filling the matrix causes it to not be symmetrical in relation to the diagonal. For example, variable no 39 (The degree of urbanisation of the area—Table 1) strongly influences variable no 3 (Quality of air—Table 1), so the value of the influence weight was determined to be 3 (Figure 3). On the other hand, the impact of variable 3 on variable 39 was assessed as weak, equal to 1 (Figure 3). The diagonal is filled by 0, but in fact is disregarded by the program. The MOI was filled by all the experts individually in as short a period of time as possible. After that, all the data were combined, and the final MOI was presented. Values were assigned by calculating arithmetic mean values, rounded to the nearest integer.
Further data processing was completed by the MICMAC software using all the default settings suggested by the software. Based on the results, further evaluations were held as described.
The variables in Table 1 are marked by colour, depending on their classification to the thematic scope. The same colour scheme is used in Figure 3 and Figure 4, where variables ID number is placed in the first row and column.

4. Results

Figure 3 shows the final structure of the final matrix of influences (MOI). The numbers describing the impact of the factors are mean values. Figure 4 shows values of the standard deviations for each cell of the MOI. The values of the standard deviations indicate the differences between the answers entered by the experts. The values of the standard deviation cover the range from 0 to 1.4. It may be noted that the lowest values of standard deviation in the case of a variable influence can be seen with “Social acceptance for CO2-EGS”. The standard deviations of influences have the highest values with the variable “Onshore/offshore”. The experts’ opinions in the case of this variable are described with the greatest uncertainty. In the case of dependences, the lowest value of standard deviation is related to the “CO2 emission price” and the highest to “Local authority interest”.
Figure 5 shows the diagram of direct influences. The location of variables was determined as a result of data processing by the MICMAC software. Additionally, the original graph was supplemented on the ranges of parameters groups located at typical places on the dependence-influence surface (Figure 1). The range of the “External factors” and “Targets” groups in Figure 5 are slightly extended in the lower values of influence when compared to Figure 1. The “Results” group is extended to higher values of dependence. The extended ranges are marked with a green dashed line. Extending the scope of the data can be considered as a preliminary interpretation of the data. Variables that were originally outside the ranges typical for each group were included in specific groups on the basis of the authors’ judgement. However, it should be remembered that the method determines the position of the variable groups (Figure 1) in an approximate manner.
The direct influences graph is presented in Figure 6. A relatively strong influence can be observed with the variables indicated (e.g., “A → B” one sided influence, variable A influences variable B, “A ↔ B” both sides influence each other, A influences B, but B influences A). It can be noted that a strong direct influence is noticeable with three pairs of variables:
  • variables 1 → 47, the “Formal constraints related to a local nature protection area” strongly influence the “Local regulations on CO2 storage”, the weight of influence is estimated as 3 (where 0 means no influence and 3 is the strongest influence),
  • variables 2 → 3, the “Current primary energy carrier for heat supply” strongly influences the “Quality of air”, the weight of influence is 3,
  • variables 39 → 3, the “The degree of urbanisation of the area” strongly influences the “Quality of air”, the weight of influence is 3.
The result of strong influences (the weight of influence is 2) is related to:
  • 21 (“Preferential tax discounts”) → 18 (“Financial support for CO2-EGS systems in an early stage of technological development”), the influence is obvious,
  • 20 (“CO2 emission price”) → 18 (“Financial support for CO2-EGS systems in an early stage of technological development”), the price of CO2 emissions might affect the financial support for the CO2-EGS. However, the price of the emissions might support solutions able to reduce it. Variable 20 belongs to the group of “External factors” (Figure 5),
  • 47 (“Local regulations on CO2 storage”) ↔ 45 (“Local authority interest”), the influence is quite obvious,
  • 45 (“Local authority interest”) → 1 (“Formal constraints related to a local nature protection area”), the influence of “Local authority interest” affects the “Formal constraints”,
  • 45 (“Local authority interest”) → 46 (“Local regulations on the utilisation of geothermal energy”), from this result it obviously appears that the local interest influences local regulations,
  • 2 (“Current primary energy carrier for heat supply”) → 1 (“Formal constraints related to a local nature protection area”), one can find logical connections between the variables. It is preferable that the areas where the use of fuels that pollute the environment by combustion products is allowed were not nature protection zones. Establishment of a protection zone suggests the use of clean energy sources,
  • 47 (“Local regulations on CO2 storage”) ↔ 46 (“Local regulations on geothermal energy utilisation”), the interrelation between variables seems to be reasonable,
  • 9 (“Level of Technological Readiness”) → 16 (“Cost of obtaining CO2 at a specific location”), the influence of these variables seems to be illogical.
Based on the results presented in Figure 5, groups of factors can be seen (the number corresponding to the number of factors—see Table 1), the groups of factors being described in Table 2. The priority actions that need to be completed if the CO2-EGS technology is going to be used are at the level of long term safety and technological readiness. These are clearly described as “Key factors”. Local authority interest (“Targets” group) depends on many factors that not only influence it directly. Among all the variables belonging to the Results group, the “Cost of energy obtained by the CO2-EGS system” is primarily dependent on other variables. The primary technology division into on- and offshore (the variable “OnOffShore”, no. 14 in Table 1) has a substantial impact on the system. The choice depends on the system location, and it is out of the investigator’s control. Thus, its allocation to the group of “Determiners, motors and breakers” looks logical. The composition of the group of “External factors” describes current situations. With time, the parameter described by some variables can change. However, in the case of checking this in its current state, all variables look to be in the proper place on the influence-dependence surface (Figure 5). A similar situation can be observed in cases of “Auxiliary” and “Autonomous factors”.

5. Critical Recommendation for the Selection of Parameters Used for the Location of Potential Zones for CO2-EGS

The selection of an appropriate location for the construction of a CO2-EGS system is extremely difficult, especially in places where such systems do not exist yet, and the selected location has a chance to become a pilot location. A number of factors may determine the success of such an investment. In addition to the obvious geological factors, other factors such as legal and environmental must also be taken into account. These factors may limit the choice of location in areas that might geologically seem suitable. System CO2-EGS is a system where CO2 is used as the working medium. Therefore, availability of CO2 also influences the site selection. The MICMAC Forecasting method is particularly important when several locations have been initially identified. This method allows to select the most important parameters, categorise preselected locations, and choose the best one.
The geological areas under consideration (Norway and Poland) differ a lot in terms of geology and energy infrastructure. These differences affect the choice of location for the CO2-EGS systems. In the case of Poland, the main sources of CO2 and identified geological conditions are combined within onshore solutions. In the case of Norway, it is recognised that the geological conditions and CO2 sources are located offshore or on the coast. The importance of this crucial difference is confirmed by the analyses completed for the diagram of the direct influences graph (Figure 5). The fundamental technological differences between offshore and onshore technology belong to the group of factors “Determiners, motors and brakes” (Table 2). They have a powerful impact on the system, essential for long-term trends and future solutions. This suggests a significant difference in the choice of the critical criteria for identifying the location of a CO2-EGS system. The values of standard deviation of the variable pointing out to on- or offshore technology utilisation (variable no. 14, Table 1) is quite high (Figure 4, row 14). It is caused by diverse experts’ opinions about the influence of on- or offshore technology utilisation on other variables. The fact that offshore technology is not common in Poland might help to explain the obtained results. The assessment of the impact of this technology on others could be caused by the lack of experience of Polish experts in this field.
Among the other groups of factors affecting the location of a CO2-EGS system, the important ones may be those which can be partly controlled. That is the group of “Auxiliary factors”. Among those that are essential when locating the system are:
  • “Formal constraints” related to a local nature protection area—this variable seems to be very important in the case of an onshore system. For an offshore system, especially located in the area of natural resources, it probably falls outside of any additional formal constraints,
  • “Availability of CO2 sources” (important for both off- and onshore systems),
  • “Geological recognition level” (necessary for both systems),
  • “The distance of CO2-EGS from a thermal energy user and electricity grid” (important for both).
It is also important to take note of the other factors that are essential but out of our control. That is the group of “External factors”. Their influence is strong, but they cannot be controlled, or can be controlled only partly, e.g., by the selection of the proper location of a CO2-EGS system. Among this group, as far as system location is concerned, the following seem to be important:
  • “Existing wells and other infrastructure”,
  • “Depth of the EGS system”,
  • “Water depth” if offshore—its variation is only important in the case of offshore,
  • “Physical parameters of reservoir rocks”,
  • “Reservoir temperature”.
Variables noted in the field of “Key factors” indicate activity which should be undertaken or a stage which should tried to reach. In the scope of activity, the variable “Level of the Technological Readiness” indicates that the technology of the CO2-EGS system has first to be developed and after that continuously improved. The variable “Long term safety of exploitation of the CO2-EGS system” suggests that the importance of stable and safe exploitation of the system is crucial. That is the goal of its development.
The group referred to as “Results” indicate variables which are slightly influenced by others but also very dependent on them. Among this group, it can be indicated the “Cost of drilling and fracturing”. The wide spread of technology might influence the aforementioned cost, as well as the “Cost of energy obtained by the CO2-EGS system”. A practically checked and safe solution might change or settle “Local regulations on the utilisation of geothermal energy” and “Local regulations on CO2 storage”. Clean and renewable energy can gain “Social acceptance for CO2-EGS”.

6. Summary

Based on the research conducted and described in this article, the most essential variables for the development of CO2-EGS systems technology can be selected, in particular the variables that are important when selecting locations for this type of system. These variables include:
  • Formal constraints related to the local nature protection areas—this variable is essential in the case of an onshore system,
  • Availability of CO2 sources,
  • Level of geological recognition,
  • The distance of the CO2-EGS from a thermal energy user and electricity grid,
  • Existing wells and other infrastructure,
  • Depth of the EGS system,
  • Water depth if offshore, this variable is only important when offshore systems are involved,
  • Physical parameters of reservoir rocks,
  • Reservoir temperature.

Author Contributions

Conceptualisation, L.P. and A.S.; methodology, L.P., A.S., P.G., B.T., M.M., T.A. and B.S.F.; software, L.P.; validation, L.P., A.S., P.G., B.T., M.M., T.A., B.S.F. and A.C.; formal analysis, L.P., A.S., B.T., M.M., T.A. and B.S.F.; investigation, A.S., P.G., B.T., M.M., T.A., B.S.F. and A.C.; resources, L.P., A.S., P.G., B.T., M.M., T.A. and B.S.F.; data curation, L.P.; writing—original draft preparation, L.P.; writing—review and editing, A.S., P.G., B.T., M.M., T.A., B.S.F. and A.C.; visualisation, L.P.; supervision, A.S., B.T., M.M., T.A. and B.S.F.; project administration, A.S.; funding acquisition, A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 via the National Centre for Research and Development, grant number NOR/POLNOR/EnerGizerS/0036/2019.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data, i.e., the matrices of influences, assessed by each of the experts, are provided at the request of the readers. Each of the readers who want to verify our calculations can use the free MicMac program, available for download at: (accessed on 16 December 2020).


The results are part of the Polish-Norwegian project: CO2-Enhanced Geothermal Systems for Climate Neutral Energy Supply, acronym EnerGizerS, registration number NOR/POLNOR/EnerGizerS/0036/2019. The authors would like to thank all the experts involved in completing the research survey.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. List of important variables indicated by the expert group for CO2-EGS technology including variables description and additional explanations.
Table A1. List of important variables indicated by the expert group for CO2-EGS technology including variables description and additional explanations.
NoLong LabelShort LabelDescription/ExplanationThematic Scope
1Formal constraints related to a local nature protection areaRestrictEnvLocE.g., location within or close to protected areas, environmental restrictionsEnvironment
2Current primary energy carrier for heat supplyUsedHeatSourcePrimary energy carrier commonly used by surrounding energy usersEnvironment
3Quality of airAirQualityAir quality, bad air quality suggests that a great deal may be done to improve itEnvironment
4Long term safety when exploiting the CO2-EGS system LongThermSafetyLong term safe exploitation of the CO2 HDR system is important for the environment. This factor is important on a global scale (worldwide) but is crucial on a local scale Environment
5Power and energy demand of direct energy user (DHS) 1UserP&QDirect user of power and energy that is utilising energy for space heating and hot water preparationTechnical
6Supply temperature requirements of direct energy user (DHS)UserTempThe requirement with regard to supply temperature is important in the case of direct energy use. The higher the temperature required, the narrower the range of direct use without additional peak heating. A high supply temperature may also cause a high return temperature and reduce the efficiency of the installationTechnical
7Availability of CO2 sourcesAvailResCO2The long-term stability of CO2 supplies should also be considered as important. Availability of captured CO2 at proper purityTechnical
8Availability of cooling water (ground, river, lake, sea)AvailCoolWaterCold water is an excellent cooling medium for electricity production. If it lies in the ground, this temperature may not be constant over time until it is usedTechnical
9Level of Technological ReadinessTechReaLevLevel of technological readiness of fracturing, drilling, utilisation of energy carrier. The technology used should be matureTechnical
10CO2-EGS system operational parametersCO2EGSoperPrmInlet and outlet pressure of the EGS system, thermosiphon effect, erosion of the CO2 componentsTechnical
11Availability and stability of time-dependent parameters TimeDesignPrmE.g., rapid decrease in the available temperature due to excessive exploitation time due to circulation of fluid. Test regime to identify hydraulic and thermal short-circuits, and thus corresponding preventive actionsTechnical
12Equipment and machinery for supercritical utilisation of CO2 EandMsCO2Availability, performance, costs, maturity, etc.Technical
13Existing wells and other infrastructureExistWellsPresence of existing wells into or near a reservoir. Relevant for reusing old oil and gas reservoirs? Could reduce risk of drilling if one could reuse, and increase risk of leaksTechnical
14Onshore/offshoreOnOffShoreOffshore sites are probably going to have very different conditions, constraints, and demandsTechnical
15Water depth if offshoreWaterDepthOffWater depth over the seabed. Affects thermosiphon, technical installations, heat loss to water, etc.Technical
16Cost of obtaining CO2 at a specific locationCO2CostCost of CO2 at the CO2-EGS location (including capture, transport, purification, etc.)Economy
17Geothermal system risk insurance fundGeoRiskInsuranceDrilling, operation, monitoring, maintenance, etc.Economy
18Financial support for CO2-EGS systems in an early stage of technological developmentFinSuppCO2EGSFinancial support for the preliminary survey and assessment, investment, and operational phaseEconomy
19Accuracy of CAPEX estimate—especially for drilling and fracturingAccurInestDrillFracDrilling and fracturing are the key points. Most investment expenditure is combined with that element. Even a slight error in the investment estimate strongly influences the economic effects. Both depend on the geological conditions, which are uncertain in 100% of casesEconomy
20CO2 emission priceCO2emPriceEU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)Economy
21Preferable tax discountsTaxDiscAs the technology is in its early stage, a lot of factors are currently uncertain. If this technology is going to be developed, it needs support at an early stage. Lump sum tax benefits and other governmental support regimes? E.g., direct part financingEconomy
22Cost of drilling and fracturingDrilingFractCostDrilling and fracturing are the most capital intensive factors in the CO2-EGS systemEconomy
23Price of heat and electricity on the energy marketEnergyActualPricePrice of heat and electricity produced by other energy carriersEconomy
24Cost of energy obtained by the CO2-EGS systemCostOfEnCO2EGSThe cost of energy obtained by the CO2-EGS system is one of the most critical factors. One of the goals of this analysis is to detail knowledge on what and how it influences the cost, and to identify risk and cost-reducing factorsEconomy
25Hydrogeochemical informationHydroGeochemPhysical and chemical composition of reservoir fluid, mineralisation of geothermal water, chemical and mineralogical composition of underground rock formations Geology
26Availability of other underground resourcesAvailOtherResourLimitations due to the exploitation of other natural resources, e.g., geothermal waters, the possible presence of other minerals, the presence of underground water reservoirs of strategic importanceGeology
27Geological recognition levelGeolRecogGeological risk. The certainty of the local geological structure, the quality of its recognition, the vicinity of boreholes, access to geophysical surveys. Availability of geological and geophysical data. Geophysical data (3D Seismic data)Geology
28Physical parameters of reservoir rocksRocksPhysicPrmThermal conductivity coefficient, specific heat. Geomechanical properties of reservoir rocks. Homogeneity/heterogeneity of geological setting. Porosity and permeability of rock in natural reservoir Geology
29Presence and distribution of natural faults and fracturesFractPres&DistrInformation on existing natural fractures of rock (double-porosity model), tectonic stress regimeGeology
30Potential for hydraulic stimulation (fracturing) of the geological formationPotentFractHydraulic fracturing technology—predictability of parameters of the fracture zone. Rock stress measurementsGeology
31Natural seismicity at the EGS siteSeismicityThe natural seismicity at the EGS site is crucial for the safety of the installation. Appearance of an additional and uncontrolled fracture might make the system open to CO2 migrationGeology
32Stratigraphy and lithology, geological structureStrat&LithologyPresence of overlying cap rock, stratigraphic trap, suitable geological structureGeology
33Reservoir temperatureTempResourcesThe reservoir temperature limits the potential ways of obtaining energy from it (direct, indirect use), its power, and the energy production. The higher the temperature, the more comprehensive the opportunity but the more challenging the working conditions in the system from a technical point of viewGeology
34Hydrogeological conditionsHydrogolConditionThe hydrogeological connection between the reservoirs and the surrounding environmental components (other reservoirs, atmosphere, etc.). Risk and detection of any hydraulic and thermal short-circuitsGeology
35Depth of the EGS systemDepthEGSDepth at which the geological formation, the use of which is assumed for the EGS system, is located. The depth influences the temperature (increases it) but also increases the investment expenditureGeology
36Thickness and tightness of isolating overburdenCapRockType of cap rock, its thickness and tightness. Those parameters are crucial for the safe exploitation of the systemGeology
37Thickness of reservoirThicknessResThe thickness of the reservoir limits the volume of the fracture zone. The higher the volume available for fracturing, the higher energy potential of the system and more stable the parameters even when the flow rate of the working (CO2) fluid is highGeology
38The distance of the CO2 EGS from a thermal energy user and electricity gridDistanceGridDistance between the CO2-EGS and the energy grid and consumers. A long-distance generates a higher investment expenditure and causes high thermal energy losses and electricity consumption (pumping), but increases the local safety of the usersTransportation and logistics
39The degree of urbanisation of the areaUrbanAreaThe degree of urbanisation of the area might influence in a positive way (short distance to the user) and in a negative (high price of land, limitation due to urbanised surroundings)Transportation and logistics
40Access to surface infrastructureAccessSurfaceInfAccess to roads, a sufficiently large area of land for drilling and construction worksTransportation and logistics
41Qualified personnel for the development and operation of CO2-EGSManPowerThe availability of professional manpowerSocial
42Social acceptance of CO2-EGSSocialAcceptEGSSocial acceptance of CO2-EGS is crucial. Inhabitants in the surrounding area should know the advantages and disadvantages of this technology. They should be well informedSocial
43Good practice and examples of utilisation of geothermal energyGoodPractGeoHeatLocal experience of geothermal exploitation. Use of international experts.Social
44Energy security and policyEnergySecurityEnergy security at a governmental or local level. The recognition of policy and the legal framework for the technological option. Is CO2-EGS a part of the energy policy in the given country? Political stability—predictability of supporting regimesLegal and policy
45Local authority interestAuthInterestInterest and support from local authorities, risk aversionLegal and policy
46Local regulations on the utilisation of geothermal energy LocalRegulatGeoLocal regulations on the utilisation of geothermal energy influence the CO2-EGS systemLegal and policy
47Local regulations on CO2 storageLocalRegCO2storLocal regulations on CO2 storage (EU or national level)Legal and policy
48Land ownership type (private ownership, local government ownership)LandPropertyTerrain accessibility for EGS and surface site. Terrain accessibility for CO2 piping infrastructureLegal and policy
1 DHS—District Heating System.


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Figure 1. Definition of the location of important factors in the dependence-influence surface, based on the method description.
Figure 1. Definition of the location of important factors in the dependence-influence surface, based on the method description.
Energies 14 07683 g001
Figure 2. Description of the stages of the survey.
Figure 2. Description of the stages of the survey.
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Figure 3. The average values of influences (numbers of rows and columns—the coloured areas correspond to the description of the variable; see Table 1).
Figure 3. The average values of influences (numbers of rows and columns—the coloured areas correspond to the description of the variable; see Table 1).
Energies 14 07683 g003
Figure 4. Values of standard deviations (numbers of rows and columns and the coloured areas relate to variables corresponding to the description of the variables—see Table 1).
Figure 4. Values of standard deviations (numbers of rows and columns and the coloured areas relate to variables corresponding to the description of the variables—see Table 1).
Energies 14 07683 g004
Figure 5. Diagram of direct influences, the numbers in the graph correspond to the variables’ numbers in Table 1.
Figure 5. Diagram of direct influences, the numbers in the graph correspond to the variables’ numbers in Table 1.
Energies 14 07683 g005
Figure 6. Direct influences graph, the numbers in the graph correspond to the number of the variables in Table 1, the result of data processing by the MICMAC software.
Figure 6. Direct influences graph, the numbers in the graph correspond to the number of the variables in Table 1, the result of data processing by the MICMAC software.
Energies 14 07683 g006
Table 1. List of important variables indicated by the expert group for CO2-EGS technology.
Table 1. List of important variables indicated by the expert group for CO2-EGS technology.
NoLong LabelShort LabelThematic Scope
1Formal constraints related to a local nature protection areaRestrictEnvLocEnvironment
2Current primary energy carrier for heat supplyUsedHeatSourceEnvironment
3Quality of airAirQualityEnvironment
4Long term safety when exploiting the CO2-EGS system LongThermSafetyEnvironment
5Power and energy demand of direct energy user (DHS) 1UserP&QTechnical
6Supply temperature requirements of direct energy user (DHS)UserTempTechnical
7Availability of CO2 sourcesAvailResCO2Technical
8Availability of cooling water (ground, river, lake, sea)AvailCoolWaterTechnical
9Level of Technological ReadinessTechReaLevTechnical
10CO2-EGS system operational parametersCO2EGSoperPrmTechnical
11Availability and stability of time-dependent parameters TimeDesignPrmTechnical
12Equipment and machinery for supercritical utilisation of CO2 EandMsCO2Technical
13Existing wells and other infrastructureExistWellsTechnical
15Water depth if offshoreWaterDepthOffTechnical
16Cost of obtaining CO2 at a specific locationCO2CostEconomy
17Geothermal system risk insurance fundGeoRiskInsuranceEconomy
18Financial support for CO2-EGS systems in an early stage of technological developmentFinSuppCO2EGSEconomy
19Accuracy of CAPEX estimate—especially for drilling and fracturingAccurInestDrillFracEconomy
20CO2 emission priceCO2emPriceEconomy
21Preferable tax discountsTaxDiscEconomy
22Cost of drilling and fracturingDrilingFractCostEconomy
23Price of heat and electricity on the energy marketEnergyActualPriceEconomy
24Cost of energy obtained by the CO2-EGS systemCostOfEnCO2EGSEconomy
25Hydrogeochemical informationHydroGeochemGeology
26Availability of other underground resourcesAvailOtherResourGeology
27Geological recognition levelGeolRecogGeology
28Physical parameters of reservoir rocksRocksPhysicPrmGeology
29Presence and distribution of natural faults and fracturesFractPres&DistrGeology
30Potential for hydraulic stimulation (fracturing) of the geological formationPotentFractGeology
31Natural seismicity at the EGS siteSeismicityGeology
32Stratigraphy and lithology, geological structureStrat&LithologyGeology
33Reservoir temperatureTempResourcesGeology
34Hydrogeological conditionsHydrogolConditionGeology
35Depth of the EGS systemDepthEGSGeology
36Thickness and tightness of isolating overburdenCapRockGeology
37Thickness of reservoirThicknessResGeology
38The distance of the CO2 EGS from a thermal energy user and electricity gridDistanceGridTransportation and logistics
39The degree of urbanisation of the areaUrbanAreaTransportation and logistics
40Access to surface infrastructureAccessSurfaceInfTransportation and logistics
41Qualified personnel for the development and operation of CO2-EGSManPowerSocial
42Social acceptance of CO2-EGSSocialAcceptEGSSocial
43Good practice and examples of utilisation of geothermal energyGoodPractGeoHeatSocial
44Energy security and policyEnergySecurityLegal and policy
45Local authority interestAuthInterestLegal and policy
46Local regulations on the utilisation of geothermal energy LocalRegulatGeoLegal and policy
47Local regulations on CO2 storageLocalRegCO2storLegal and policy
48Land ownership typeLandPropertyLegal and policy
1 DHS—District Heating System.
Table 2. Assignment of variables to parameter group factors.
Table 2. Assignment of variables to parameter group factors.
Variable Number (see Table 1 and Table A1)Brief Description of the Variable
Key factors (indicating which actions should be given priority in the development of Strategic Plans)
4 Long term safety when exploiting the CO2-EGS system
9 Level of Technological Readiness
Targets (the evolution of these factors will depend on how they develop other system variables. They involve variables that change themselves to a large extent under the influence of factors other than those that affect them directly)
45 Local authority interest
Results (the evolution of these factors will depend on how they develop other system variables. They have a low impact on the structure of the research area but are very dependent on other factors)
22 Cost of drilling and fracturing
24 Cost of energy obtained by the CO2-EGS system
42 Social acceptance of CO2-EGS
46 Local regulations on the utilisation of geothermal energy
47 Local regulations on CO2 storage
Determiners, motors and brakes (have a powerful impact on the system so that they can act as drivers and inhibitors, but they are tough to control. Knowledge of these is essential in the process of observing long-term trends in the study of the future)
14 Onshore/offshore
External factors (significantly influence the process being considered but cannot be controlled)
10 CO2-EGS system operational parameters
13 Existing wells and other infrastructure
35 Depth of the EGS system
5 Power and energy demand of direct energy user (DHS)
6 Supply temperature requirements of direct energy user (DHS)
8 Availability of cooling water (ground, river, lake, sea)
15 Water depth if offshore
20 CO2 emission price
26 Availability of other underground resources
28 Physical parameters of reservoir rocks
29 Presence and distribution of natural faults and fractures
31 Natural seismicity at the EGS site
32 Stratigraphy and lithology, geological structure
33 Reservoir temperature
34 Hydrogeological condition
37 Thickness of reservoir
39 The degree of urbanisation of the area
40 Access to surface infrastructure
Auxiliary factors (can help to achieve the strategic objectives, but their effect on the whole system is not decisive)
1 Formal constraints related to a local nature protection area
2 Current primary energy carrier for heat supply
7 Availability of the CO2 sources
11 Availability and stability of time-dependent parameters
16 Cost of obtaining CO2 at a specific location
18 Financial support for CO2-EGS systems in an early stage of technological development
27 Geological recognition level
38 The distance of the CO2-EGS from a thermal energy user and electricity grid
43 Good practice and examples of utilisation of geothermal energy
44 Energy security and policy
Autonomous factors (have a negligible impact on the changes taking place in the system as a whole)
3 Quality of air
12 Equipment and machinery for supercritical utilisation of CO2
17 Geothermal system risk insurance fund
19 Accuracy of CAPEX estimate—especially for drilling and fracturing
21 Preferable tax discounts
23 Price of heat and electricity on the energy market
25 Hydrogeochemical information
30 Potential for hydraulic stimulation (fracturing) of the geological formation
36 Thickness and tightness of isolating overburden
41 Qualified personnel for the development and operation of CO2-EGS
48 Land ownership type (private ownership, local government ownership)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Pająk, L.; Sowiżdżał, A.; Gładysz, P.; Tomaszewska, B.; Miecznik, M.; Andresen, T.; Frengstad, B.S.; Chmielowska, A. Multi-Criteria Studies and Assessment Supporting the Selection of Locations and Technologies Used in CO2-EGS Systems. Energies 2021, 14, 7683.

AMA Style

Pająk L, Sowiżdżał A, Gładysz P, Tomaszewska B, Miecznik M, Andresen T, Frengstad BS, Chmielowska A. Multi-Criteria Studies and Assessment Supporting the Selection of Locations and Technologies Used in CO2-EGS Systems. Energies. 2021; 14(22):7683.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Pająk, Leszek, Anna Sowiżdżał, Paweł Gładysz, Barbara Tomaszewska, Maciej Miecznik, Trond Andresen, Bjørn S. Frengstad, and Anna Chmielowska. 2021. "Multi-Criteria Studies and Assessment Supporting the Selection of Locations and Technologies Used in CO2-EGS Systems" Energies 14, no. 22: 7683.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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